Art project.. bleh.

Oh wow. Who knew form 3 projects were really tough? Okay, fine, a form 3 perfectionist art student’s project was. My cousin’s a perfectionist, and he needed help with making his custom tissue box for his art project. He would have finished it the first time he asked for my help. That is, if he wasn’t such a perfectionist.

Every crooked line was no excuse to not make a new one.

I guess it’s okay because he sleeps over every alternate days in the week, but tonight, he’s got to finish it. It’s due on Thursday. He wanted to doze off by the time we’re halfway through the making the tissue box’s “tenunan”, the woven strips of paper to make a checked (black and white) pattern.

I would have taken pictures, but I think it’s not funny anymore. :P

So I pushed him until even I couldn’t handle the exhaustion anymore. It was nearly four in the morning when we finished the sides of the boxes. I said, “You can finish the top and the bottom on your own. I’m heading to bed.”

LOL. He couldn’t have agreed in a more enthusiastic tone. Imagine being sleepy and having an enthusiastic tone at the same time.

It’s like, “Yeay!zzzzzzzzzzzzzz..slobber.Whahuh?yeah…..”

Anyway. Off to bed for me, just feeling like letting it out. LOL.

So many things to do before the week ends, and it’s barely halfway through the week!

P.S.: I want to get rid of this hacking cough, it hurts, and it makes sleeping impossible.

P.P.S.: I’m sorry if you can’t understand a word in this post, and can’t really get the randomness of it all. Just.. too.. sleepy.

How do I find the perfect fit?

I am a bit depressed. If I put it the things I have in my mind down in a numbered list, maybe they won’t seem like a lot.

  1. I am broke.
  2. I haven’t talked to the boyfriend in ages. Something is going on on his end.
  3. I want a car that I can’t have.
  4. I don’t have a (full-time) job.
  5. Syawal is coming soon, and it’s the first without dad.
  6. Don’t even mention Ramadhan, it’s sooner.
  7. I am broke.
  8. I was supposed to be out with a friend, but in an unexpected turn of events, I’m at home.

I just have so many on my plate at the moment. Mind’s all jumbled up.

Because of thought #4, my mom’s been pushing me to post my resumes everywhere. Not that I don’t want a (full-time) job, it’s just that I’m the kind of person who needs to do one thing at a time. I can multi-task, but it’ll be messy — it’ll leave me a mess!

Because of thought #1, I can’t cheer myself up with things I can buy. Like, maybe, a DVD movie, or a Japanese meal.

Thought #2 is really the big problem here. If I had him to talk to, I can just forget about everything else. He’s like.. my everything. Even when I’m broke, or when I want a car I cant have, or when I don’t have a (full-time) job, or when I’m supposed to be out but not.. Or when I’m broke. Or when I don’t feel like posting my resumes everywhere.

I miss the boyfriend. :(

Craig Ferguson interviews

I was just bored one early morning, and I searched for some videos to watch on YouTube. I started with Craig Ferguson’s monologues, and later watched his interviews on The Late Late Show. I may have been slow on these video clips, but they are as hilarious as ever.

This one is my favourite, him interviewing Rupert Grint, who plays Ron Weasley in the Harry Potter movie franchise.

“What do you mean the magic isn’t real?” LOL!

For the sake of it, here are another two clips for your Monday blues.

With Gerard Butler. Like the accent he put on about him and Craig were actually from Long Beach. I know it’s stupid, but I’m still amazed how actors can put on their accents and take it off so easily. LOL.

This one’s with Piper Perabo.

I love Craig Ferguson. He is hilarious.

Cali bah ia ani, sakit parut ku ketawa!

What are you doing this weekend?

It’s still early in the week, and I’m sure you have this weekend empty. Unless you have a wedding to attend. Or you’re just a social butterfly and your weekends are already fully booked three years from now. Well, if you have a cancellation — for the social butterflies, not the newly-weds — then head over to the DHS Pixies’ garage sale!

I will try to be there, I would probably have trouble with transport, but like I said; I’ll try. Izzah’s asked if I have anything to contribute, but I haven’t checked yet. Hehe. (I’m putting this banner on top of my right sidebar until the 2nd. :))

Come one, come all!


So I was viewing my Blog Stats, and I wondered why I’m getting hits from This is why:

Image is clickable. Don’t mind me. It’s just a first time for me, so I’m a bit new and really sakai in this. I’m thinking that I just categorized my post properly for the first time. LOL.

(It’s not April 1st, is it?)

Goodbye, Touareg

Another late post. Can’t sleep, can you blame me? I need to fall out of love!

I want a new car to fall in love with. I was at the Volkswagen showroom this afternoon, just to take a look at the Touareg.. I am head over heels with that piece of metal! Unfortunately, it is way too expensive for an unemployed girl like me. (Unemployed in a sense that I don’t have a full-time job.)

I wouldn’t have resorted to dropping by to the showroom if they had local prices to show online, but they hadn’t. And I had a hard time looking for them! I searched like so:

  • “touareg prices in brunei”
  • “brunei’s official car prices”
  • “volkswagen brunei distributor”
  • “online car dealer brunei”

Yes, I typed that last one out too, believe it or not. I was so tired of searching for how much it (roughly) costs. All of these searches leads to one good find. I read on one blog that it costs B$95k or so, and that was from an April post last year. That was just it. Nothing more, nothing less. ONE! On the whole world wide web! Pretty frustrating, if you ask me.

So I thought, okay. Fine. Whatever. Not that I wanted to buy it now. I just want to know if it’s even within my reach. That’s not wrong, right? Of course not. Anyway. Dropped by the showroom, asked a little here and there, and hey presto, it costs B$85k! Only, for bank loans, if you deposit B$40k, you have to pay B$700+ monthly for seven years. My mom and I did a little calculating, basically the whole thing will cost me (edited) my life!

But the price tag stays only on four of the remaining Touaregs they have in stock. New stock comes on a different, and a tad more expensive, price.

Mom says that the only solution to this is to pay it in cash. And where am I going to get that kind of money? By saving. And how much am I going to save each month? Fine.. say I get a job that pays basic salary for HND holders.. If I save B$1, 000, I’d be left with barely another thousand. What, am I going to save for 85 months? That seven years (and a month)! I would imagine there’d be new cars that I would fall in love with by then. Or, simple, the Touareg will lose its novelty in seven years (and a month.)

Of course, the price might also drop in that span of time.. but.. you know.. Plus! I do not save! Well, I do, but it is next to impossible, really. I try. I do, really. But I almost always fail.

My mom decided to comfort me by going to the Mazda showroom to have a look at the Mazda CX-7. Nice, but it’s no Touareg.


Tell me about another car to fall in love with, because I feel so heartbroken. CX-7 is not much of a rebound. Don’t mention anything about the Lexus. Don’t like them. Overrated. Not the beautiful Audi as well, because I bet that’s hell to maintain. I just heard about it, I know nothing about which cars are easy to maintain.

I’m rambling on and on about cars! Who would’ve thunk?

Maybe someone who owns a Touareg can bring me around town for a ride? HA. Dream on. (On a final note: Please la, if you think this post is really about falling out of love with the boyfriend, think again. :P)

UB’s second season rumours

I am such a freak. I have been reading up on season two of Ugly Betty. Well, rumours of the new season anyway. Nyeh.

So don’t read the rest of it if you are uninterested or you don’t want to know yet.

I read, here, that there’s going to be a new love interest for Betty other than Henry. And he’s going to be played by Freddy Rodriguez! Here’s a snippet:

And what of the ill-fated love birds Betty and Henry? In one of the final scenes, he was headed to Arizona, along with his evil, possibly pregnant, girlfriend Charlie. “Well, there is a pretty good chance that Henry comes back,” revealed Christopher Gorham, his portrayer.

“I can’t tell you how he comes back. I can tell you that you cannot miss the first five minutes of the first episode of season two. It’s one of the funniest scenes that we have shot to date. It’s a Betty, Henry, Charlie scene. It’s subtitled. It’s really incredible.”

I am totally interested about the first five minutes now. LOL. Subtitled? I imagine it to be in nerd/dork language that certain nerds like me won’t understand, let alone the rest of the world? Haha, okay, that might not even be possible. But I’m excited!

Someone’s promised to burn it onto CDs for me as soon as it comes out, so yeay!

Unfortunately, there is a definite possibility that Santos is dead. Something about the guy who plays him, Kevin Alejandro, is on a totally different network now. Pity. He was starting to grow on me, what with him wanting to marry Hilda and doesn’t care how his son couldn’t even throw a football.

I might just overdid it with the consumption of my favourite seasonal fruit, durian kuning. Currently having a hard time swallowing. IT HURTS. What do they call that anyway? I just know the one in Malay, they call it sakit menalan. Any ideas?

Should head to bed now, going to visit dad tomorrow. I haven’t visited in what feels like ages. I really miss him.

Comments will be replied to soon! :D


So I have a short story in mind when I decided to take this picture.

You see the plastic cling wrap that covers these fruits? And the surface in between that the fruits make of the wrap? When I was a wee kid, I used to poke every available one as I walk past them! Hahaha. Talk about being a naughty kid. Menyusahkan orang jua tu kan? LOL. But that’s the only naughty thing I did as a child, I was quite the goody-two-shoes. :D

On the topic of fruits. I quite like this next one:

I love the green that makes up this picture.

I’m it!

I was tagged, and I love doing these things. It’s been quite unfortunate that I’m rarely the popular one, so I rarely get tagged. LOL. Sad, much? But thanks, F! :)

1. Tell us your name:
Tina D. Aiseh, so glamorous, is it not? HAHA. Right. Anyway. Next.

2. Three things about yourself:
Bubbly, self-deprecating, and contradictory.

3. What’s in your playlist:
A lot of acoustic versions of songs at the moment, like All-American Rejects’ Dirty Little Secret. Lisa Loeb’s Stay (I Missed You.) And thanks to her, Marié Digby.

4. Your favourite music:
Anything that doesn’t give me a headache, not like trance/house/dance or dangdut. They seriously give me headaches. I prefer slow and soothing stuff, with meaningful lyrics. John Mayer, Jason Mraz, Colbie Caillat fall into this category perfectly.

5. Favourite guilty pleasure:
Getting updates on people I don’t like. Be it from people talking or reading up on their blogs. ;)

6. Favourite food:
I love Japanese food. But I eat anything. (Quote from the boyfriend, really.)

7. Define love:
I can never define it, not because it is complicated. On the contrary, love is quite simple. I can’t define it because they found the word inarticulate when they met me. :P Okay, fine, I will try. All I know, love is.. okay, I can’t. It’s a wonderful feeling you cannot describe, that’s all.

8. Define sex:
Err.. the coming together of two (or more) people? Haha. Okay, this is starting to get inappropriate!

9. Any celebrity crushes?:
Many! One of them is, obviously, the cute Christopher Gorham. I can name a few more. Julian Lee Dong Wook, Drew Fuller, Eric Dane!

10. The last person you hugged:
I don’t remember. Maybe an aunt?

11. The last person you talked to:
The boyfriend.

12. The last time you cried:
Last night. I so don’t want to talk about it.

13. The last time you had sex:
See what I mean? Inappropriate!

14. The last time you made out:
See answer to question number 13.

15. The last person you dated:
The boyfriend. Well, I haven’t been seeing anyone else for the past five years, so yea.

16. The last time you went out:
Last night. Don’t ask me where.

17. What’s on your mind now?:
Something about last night. See #12.

18. What’s bothering you?:
A lot! Well, just one thing, but I’m being a drama queen again.

19. This year’s resolutions:
I don’t have any, year after year. I just can’t be bothered.

20. Your MSN nick:
It’s “Pinatas are promoting violence against flambuoyant animals!!”, but I rarely go on MSN these days.

21. What’s your MSN nick about?:
It’s about the suffering of pinatas. And violence promotion.

22. The people you miss the most:
My dad.

23. Current mood:
Bored to tears.

24. What are you thinking?:
I’m thinking how to get out of the house unnoticed.

25. Best childhood memory:
When I was about 8 years old, and Liz was just 5, her family and mine went on to Singapore for a family trip (now annual Singapore trip), and it was early in the morning. I called her up in their hotel room, which was just next door, when everyone else was getting ready for another day of shopping, and I asked her, “Ko pakai make-up kah hari ani?” which translates to “Are you wearing make-up today?” Days before, we bought Barbie make-up kits at Toys ‘R Us. LOL!

26. 3 of your biggest fears:
The dark, rejection, and messing up on air!

27. Who do you love?:
Who do you need?~ Okay, that was just a line from The Moffatts’ Who Do You Love. Haha. Anyway. I love my family, the boyfriend, and my close girl friends.

28. 3 of the things you hate:
The dark, backstabbers, bad tudong day.

29. Do you blog?:
I don’t know, I’m thinking of starting one.

30. Tag 5 people:
Nonnie, Amani, Affy, Faz, and Ka Zian.

New eye candy!

Christopher Gorham (who plays Henry in Ugly Betty) is hot! And funny!

Though he’s married for seven years and have two kids.

My take on Ugly Betty

Ugly Betty didn’t spark any interest of mine when it first came out. I’m always late to jump on the bandwagon, because I prefer to have the whole season out on DVD so I don’t have to wait every week for a new episode. Okay, I’m not always like that, but I was with Ugly Betty because I couldn’t be bothered.

But.. One glorious day, which usually falls on the day that pay is out, I wasn’t particularly spoiled for choice when I paid a visit to Joey Joe, my favourite DVD store. I spotted the complete first season of Ugly Betty, and I thought, “Hm, why not?” So I did.

And I only finished watching Ugly Betty’s yesterday.

September 27th can’t come any sooner! Second season airs on that date, and trust me, I’ll be braving the Trojan viruses this time around just to see what happens in the first episode. By that, I meant downloading torrents, of course. But I’m going to ask around first before I start this bad habit again. ;)

(Warning: Either hate me for posting them up, or stop reading from this point on. Ugly Betty spoilers ahead.)

So, all right.. I’ve never had favourite episodes before on any TV series, but on Ugly Betty, I fell in love with episode 21, Secretaries’ Day. I have to say it’s mostly influenced by Henry Grubstick. Don’t you think he and Betty are adorable?!

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Image above was a scene from Secretaries’ Day. When he was semi-conscious, saying the three little words. I practically shrieked when he did that! Romance on TV and in the movies, in my opinion, rarely warm the heart anymore because it seems like they are.. I don’t know, nothing new.

But when Henry, played by Christopher Gorham — trust me, this isn’t the last time his (character/real) name will be mentioned on this post, said those words, he seemed so sincere albeit semi-conscious.

Another favourite episode of mine is the season finale, 23rd episode, East Side Story. The goodbye made by Henry to Betty when he decided to move with Charlie back to Tucson! I CRIED! This season finale has to be THE season finale of all season finales of TV!

This is my second favourite scene, where Betty confessed in the copier room.

Awwww! Cute, dorky and sweet all at the same time!

And my most favourite, where Henry said goodbye (which, hopefully doesn’t get taken down), from the scene that I so wished didn’t happen, but did, but in the end was one of the things that made the finale great.

I was so sad he was leaving! Responsible, yes, but still sad! For Betty. They were just perfect for each other! Then again, like Betty said, “.. it would’ve been too easy..”

So then, based on my obsession with the Betty-Henry relationship, I made a little research on the good ‘ol Internet, and found out from here that from season two onwards Christopher Gorham (Henry) will become core regulars in the show. YEAY! Which means, it’s not really goodbye.

By the way, here’s Christopher, who plays the most adorable geek that is Henry.

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“It’s just something I know.”

If I had to rate this TV show, based on this one season, I would give it five stars out of five! Love it. Don’t care what you think, I LOVE IT.

Okay, you know what? I’m going to throw in another video that make me fall in love with Henry (the character and the guy playing him!)

Sigh.. :))

Himbo & Bimbo

As I was on my way to the studio for my three hour shift last night (just in case, time check now is WAY after midnight), I was surprised to see the usually orange-carpeted walls were very much bare.

Sean was in the studio before he handed it over for Technologic (the show Aaron and I host every Saturday night, by the way), and I talked to him about the walls, and he said, “It’s like being in Saw.” Then, I said, “Maybe they’re filming Saw 4 in Brunei!”

Wishful thinking on my part. But even Aaron, who was in Bandar this time ’round, said that the walls look scary. Haha.

So if you’re wondering how it looks like before, I don’t have the before picture, but the walls’ were lined with orange carpet, like shown below.

This is just outside Pilihan FM studio.

Just one of those days when I don’t have anything good to blog about. Ha.


If you ask any of the people I’m close to, they will choose to say, among other things, that I have a bad temper. A few find this hard to believe, but I can get really ticked off by the tiniest things. I understand why, though. It’s because I only show this side to those I’m closest with. I can count these people in one hand, mind.I’m not the kind to throw tantrums, but I snap a lot.

My mom has brought this issue to my attention because she’s scared that I’ll end up with, I don’t know, was it high blood pressure? I really am not sure now what she had mentioned. She’s always worried because I snap at the smallest things too. Especially in the car.

My mom will also be able to tell if I’m angry just by a single ‘tsk’, or a tiny groan of someone being stupidly annoying. I also sometimes have colourful vocabulary, when the time calls for it. Sometimes I wonder why people don’t ask, “And you kiss your mother with that mouth?”

When I’m feeling less angry, I change some words to more friendly words, for example, “WHAT THE FUDGE?!” because I really want to keep it clean in front of the kids. *rolls eyes*

Sometimes people can tell I’m pissed when I’m really quiet. I talk a lot, so you can tell something is wrong when I’m not saying a word. But that is how I’m like with other people I’m close to, even my closest friends.

Anyway. I’m on this topic, because I just got really angry at someone I really care about for forgetting that I am on this end, chatting with him. Now, he’s not here, and I miss him badly.

I really need to get my temper in check.

A walk down memory lane

I keep boxes. In these boxes are things that I keep for memory’s sake. On them, I label the year they belong to.

Tonight, I took out the 2004 box, for no reason. I saw some pictures that didn’t belong in that year, but they all bring a rather dreary feeling they decide to call nostalgia.

My printer/photocopier/scanner has given up on me since eons ago, so I had to make full use of my camera, so excuse the quality of these pictures. (I didn’t even bother editing them in Photoshop.)

This is during sungkai with Izzah, but I don’t remember if this actually belongs in the 2004 box.

I know this is definitely not 2004. It’s 2003, from left, that’s Pram, me, and Daniel. I lost contact with these two, and I’m sorry it had to happen because they were really great guys. They were in my Biology class, back in Maktab Duli.

When I was browsing through the photos, I just had to put this one up! CLASSIC! When was this, I don’t remember! From left, Izzah, Tiq, and myself. What I remember is that this was taken in a shop at The Mall. The shop is now closed, I think they didn’t do quite well.

Liz and I. Taken during on the Raya family outings. (I remember posting this on one of my old blogs, and I remember those earrings! I wonder where they’ve gone?)

And this.. is my favourite. (How can it not be?)

That was dad keeping a lookout for my little sister. He once used to study in Preston, Lancashire, and we decide to have a roadtrip to London. This was on Trafalgar Square, back in ’97!

Aww, looking at the last picture reminds me that my family and I always meant to go back and visit the UK on holiday. We fantasized on having the fish and chips, and maybe drop by Preston and see how much it has changed.. Now that dad’s gone.. they’re all just plans.


I’ve got pictures from the wedding! Full album can be viewed here, but if you just want to have a glimpse at a few photos, continue reading!

The couple. I think they look real good together, don’t you think? :)

Continue reading